Saturday, October 4, 2008


So I left EZ strapped into his booster seat with some play dough so I could go take a shower and not have him demolish the house. When I came back downstairs he had thrown play dough all over the kitchen. Lately scolding doesn't seem to be getting through to him so I told him "No we do not throw play dough on the floor!" and then for added emphasis and to make sure he was listening I asked him "What did I say?". He sternly replied "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" Well at least he learned a lesson.


Rachelle said...

This is David and Rachelle Casbeer. I found you through Maile's blog. We haven't heard anything about you guys since your wedding--congrats on your darling kiddos. check out our blog if your interested.

Sarah said...

That is so funny! Sounds like something Claire would say.

Dawn said...

That's so funny! Maybe when he's jumping on the bed he'll say no throwing play do on the ground! You'll have to tell me all about Texas. We're already excited and we still have about 9 months. :)