Thursday, July 10, 2014

Spring Break

Being closer to my parents meant a spring break trip to good old Moon Township. John had to work so I got to take my first solo road trip with the kids. It is about a 6 hour drive and while the kids weren't exactly perfect it was definitely better than flying with all 4 kids by myself. I got a lot of "Wow you have your hands full" comments at the rest stop. We had to eat as quickly as possible because Conrad kept trying to escape. Luckily, we didn't lose anyone. (Oh and my kids look homeless since we haven't found a hair lady yet, but luckily my mom's hair lady, Linda, was nice enough to fit my kids in.)

Back in January I was supposed to visit my friend Elly in Rhode Island, but that ended up being when we went house hunting, so my parents graciously offered to watch the kids for me so I could spend three days with her. I was especially excited for this trip, because she and her husband Jay just had their first baby in October. Timothy is such a cutie and somehow I managed to get a picture of him, but none of me and Elly. It was fun to be the one without a child to worry about for a change and I ended up sleeping 10 hours each night. I have years of not enough sleep to make up for and it was amazing. We also ate at a ton of AMAZING restaurants. I am seriously deprived of those in St. Joe, so I was in heaven.

The kids were great for my parents and everything went smoothly while I was gone. It wasn't quite Easter yet, but my parents decided to through an Easter egg hunt for mine and Rachel's kids' while we were there. I loved going to my grandma and grandpa's house in Rochester growing up and doing these, so I am really excited to be close enough to home to have them for my kids. My mom did a great job of getting prizes and treats for everyone.

Going to Rhode Island meant I wasn't actually home as long, but that's ok because we already have multiple trips planned for the summer!

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