Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Easter Fun

One of the perks of living in a small town is that when they have city events, like an egg hunt, you can actually go and it isn't crazy crowded and they don't run out of the free stuff. Here they have an "egg hunt" in the downtown area and all the businesses hand out eggs. So, you aren't actually hunting, but they also hand out samples and coupons and it was good way for us to discover what all St. Joe has to offer. You could get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny and all day long King kept saying how much he wanted a picture with him, but the minute we actually saw the bunny costume he wigged out and wanted nothing to do with him. Conrad also freaked out and EZ made it clear that he was too cool, so Netta was the only one to get a picture with him.

It's been awhile since we have had a chilly Easter, but at least it was sunny and actually kind of enjoyable to be outside.

Of course we dyed Easter eggs, but we opted to do it while Conrad was napping so he wouldn't spill and or drink any of the dye.

Easter morning meant baskets of course. Netta can never have too much makeup so she got more with a Hello Kitty theme of course. As a complete side note, Netta does not actually like Justin Bieber, but one day EZ was at the Y and some girl kept chasing him and saying she was going to kiss him because he was pretending to be "Justin Beaver." Netta and EZ of course thought it was hilarious, so when I saw these jammies on clearance I had to get them.

My favorite part of Conrad getting a basket was watching him eat the Sour Patch Bunnies. He kept smacking his lips and making a sour face, but he kept on eating them.

Kingston is obsessed with Skylanders, even though it is actually EZ's game and he can't really play. EZ wins big time since King only wanted a Skylander for Easter, which of course EZ can now also play with in addition to the one he himself got.

As we were exploring downtown at the egg hunt we discovered a bakery with this awesome multi-colored bread, which makes for some awesome Easter french toast. I think there may be a new tradition at the Brown house.

At Easter I am reminded of how blessed I am to have this family and to have a Savior who made it possible to be with these crazy kids forever!

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