Monday, January 16, 2012

Netta the Performer

Anyone who knows Netta knows that she is a performer. Her life is a musical, which she constantly narrates through her original songs. It was only natural that we continued her dance lessons. Now we are at the Pflugerville Rec Center and we really like it. In class she learns tap, ballet and some tumbling. She is in heaven every time we go. It worked out really nice, because two of her friends from Church are in the same class. That is especially nice for me, because us mom's have to sit around and wait for an hour while they are in the lesson so having a friend to chat with is always nice. Their big recital is in the spring, but in December they had a mini-recital in the dance studio. Netta was killing me, because I could see them practicing inside and she knew the dance, but as soon as the mom's got in their she was too busing waving and posing to remember the dance. Hopefully things will be a little better in the spring.

The day after the dance recital, Netta had a Christmas performance at her school. I just have this one lousy picture, because King was being a pill. Luckily, I was able the get video. Netta did well, but it got off to a rocky start when her teacher made Netta take off her jingle bracelet and Netta broke down in tears. Apparently, it was very important to her and luckily her teacher gave it back so she didn't spend the whole time in tears.

King will probably hate me for this later, but he is hands down my hardest baby. He is so clingy and was being insanely bad at Netta's school. I was supposed to help in the classroom that day, but he was being so bad that I had to leave. Luckily, there was a grandma there who stayed and helped. I was so drained and just done with the kids by the end of the day that I made John take them out to dinner while I sat at home by myself. John is a saint, because I made him do that again 2 nights later. I don't know why, but for some reason this week just pushed me to the edge. Luckily, John is awesome and really so are my kids, so after a little break I was feeling more like myself and of course I love having them. Oh motherhood.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Those days are the worst! I feel like half the time I can't take my kids anywhere - good thing there isn't anywhere to go :) miss you!