Monday, March 14, 2011

Girls' Weekend

Way back in January we had a girls' weekend. My mom and all my sisters came to town and it was a blast. We got a hotel in Austin and enjoyed our time shopping, watching movies, eating and hot tubbing. The weather, which is normally gorgeous, was of course rainy just for this weekend, so we didn't get to do everything we might have liked, but we still had a really great time together. Sadly, I don't actually have any pictures of us ladies. Probably because we all are hard on ourselves and hate pictures. My sister Meghan and I both had our babies in tow. Here is a pic of Lucy and King hanging out.

My mom was able to stay for a couple of extra days and my kids loved having grandma in town. One of my favorite videos of me as a child is of my grandma reading to me and my sisters, so I had to get this shot of my mom reading to Netta and ES.
This last picture has nothing to do with girls' weekend except that it was taken right after everyone left. All of my kids enjoy watching tv together. Probably a little too much, but it definitely comes in handy when I have stuff to get done around the house. Gotta love family bonding around the boob tube.
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johnthebrown said...

i love the last pic of our kids. they are so cute when they are playing together.

Elise said...

The kids look adorable! You have some hairy children, and I mean that in the best of ways! :) Miss you all so much!