Monday, March 14, 2011

Texas Day

To say that Texans are proud of their state would be a huge understatement. On March 10th, EZ's preschool celebrated Texas Day with stories about cowboys, pony rides, making a book about Texas and a picnic lunch for the whole family. I am pretty sure we never celebrated Pennsylvania day. I volunteered to help out EZ's class and Netta was so excited when she found out that she got to go to school. The girl couldn't be more ready and she jumped right in and did everything the class did. (EZ is sitting to her right in the orange and white plain with the huge cowboy hat from when I was Jesse for Halloween). We have already registered Netta for next year and I am just as excited for her to go as she is.

John was able to join us for lunch and we attempted to get a picture of him with the kids, but as usual not everyone was cooperative.

EZ really loves to take pictures and he took this one of me and Netta. I have finally again reached the point where I don't mind having my picture taken. I decided back in January to really crack down on my diet and it has helped a lot. Now I just need to ween King so I can really cut the calories.

EZ also took this picture of his friend Emme. She often proclaims that she wants to marry him and got in trouble for kissing him on the lips during music class. EZ really loves to play with her, but he has also said that he is marrying a girl named Ashley from his class. I am blown away by how much EZ has changed since he turned 4. Last year he couldn't even name the kids in his preschool class and now he is ready to get married! I would say that he has made quite a leap in his social development.

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