Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Potty Dance

Unfortunately this post is not about the dance EZ does after going pee on the potty. Instead it is a post about the dance EZ does while he is supposed to be going pee on the potty. Last week we had two pretty good successful days of potty training and then while our friends were here visiting we kind of regressed so Monday night we let EZ watch is favorite Charlie Brown's Christmas as long as he sat on the potty. Well as this video shows EZ apparently likes this movie so much that he can't watch it without dancing/jumping around. In the middle he says something about peeing so then John and I tell him to sit on the potty and he explains that "That's not funny!" I guess not because then he keeps yelling half words half gibberish at us. One note of progress is that he did pee on the potty twice today. He also went pee on the floor twice but hey it's still progress.


The Morgans said...

That is too funny. I am not looking forward to potty training. I am excited and wish he were potty trained but I don't want to do it. I wish you could just download that capability.

Maile said...

Ha ha ha. That was so funny! I love the naked bum!

Cynthia said...

Maybe you should just give up the potty training and start pursuing his life as a dancer. He has some great dance moves!

candice said...

This is absolutely hillarious! Talk about accommodating parents!