Saturday, December 10, 2011

Swim Lessons

We decided to enroll both kids in swim lessons this summer. We decided to wait til later in the summer in hopes that EZ would get a chance to warm up to swimming again. Seriously at the beginning of the summer I thought he and Netta would be in the same level, but after just a couple weeks of going to the pool he all of a sudden decided that he loved swimming and he wanted to try to swim on his own. This was a HUGE breakthrough for him. I just kept saying "Who is this child?" I guess it's true that you can't force kids to do things but they will usually come around when they are ready. He had a blast at swim lessons and he was not in the same level as Netta. His teacher was awesome and really helped him a lot. The only problem was that they messed up our sign up and registered him for the 2 week session after Netta. I was so irritated. Of course the session I actually signed him up for was full and the best they could do was have him go in the time slot after Netta which meant sitting for around an hour and half in the hot muggy indoor pool and not getting to work out as I had planned. While I was still irritated in the end it was ok because EZ's new session hardly had any kids and he was able to get a lot of one on one attention.

Netta actually pulled a bit of a reversal on us and acted really scared at her lessons and for the first little while wouldn't do the basic bubble blowing and what not. Again I was thinking "Who is this child?" Luckily, she got over it and started swimming around the pool with floaties on.

The day I decided to take pictures they had some water safety lesson and the kids got to practice pulling each other to the side with a noodle. I am not sure why they think a 3 year old could save another 3 year old, but the kids did have fun and I guess it never hurts to teach them young.

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