Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Weekend One of Visitors

September we had a ton of visitors and we loved every second of it. The first weekend of visitors was kicked off with another one of my dad's work trip add-ons. Have I mentioned that I love these and they are all kinds of awesome? We decided one morning to take the kids to Zilker Park and go for a health walk, but of course we got there and one of the tires on our stroller was completely shot. Not flat, but more like exploded. So instead we played on the playground and rode the mini-train, the Zilker Zephyr. I kind of felt bad for Sarah and Casey, because I am not sure how entertaining it was for them, but Casey had a super sweet camera with him that he was using for a photography class and he was able to get some good pics for one of his assignments. These following two are gems of Netta. I love how perfectly he caught her with her hair pulling her lip.

In this one she is just adorable and showing off how she uses her good looks to get away with murder.

That Sunday morning my dad left but then John's cousins David and Colt came to visit. The older gentlemen is actually John's first cousin, which is a little weird to me, but that is what happens when your dad is from a huge family and then he has a huge family and you are at the tail end. I am not sure how exactly Colt is related to John. I really can't keep John's family straight. Anyway, they were in town for the BYU/UT came. It was not pretty for BYU. But luckily, Colt is a diehard UT fan, which is why David brought him, and so he was in heaven. He was in UT gear from head to toe. You can't see but I am pretty sure he had UT sneakers on as well.

They were only able to visit for a short while that day, but it was still so great to see them. It is always hard to say bye to visitors, but luckily the next weekend we had more family coming for Austin City Limits, which helps, but that is for another post.

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