Friday, March 6, 2009

Heavenly Father Loves Me

Ok so this may sound totally ridiculous, but I know Heavenly Father loves me because EZ went pee on the potty twice today. Pretty much since January we have been trying to get EZ interested in potty training and we will have one or two successes and then go a week or more with nothing and then just repeat the cycle over and over again. Well yesterday I was all funned out and really thought I was going to lose it. Whenever I stay at home all day I tend to get a bit depressed, but yesterday I decided it would be good to stay home to work on potty training and despite my feelings of anxiousness I stayed home only to have EZ pee all over the floor and not once in the potty. When John got home I told him I couldn't do it anymore and that I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It seems so silly as I think about it, but no seriously I thought I was going crazy. So John calmed me down a bit by pointing out that I could be premenstrual, which is a possibility, and then today I decided to give it another go. Well so far EZ has actually gone pee on the potty 3 separate times (I know I said 2 earlier, but he went again while I was typing this!) and I am not feeling the anxiety I felt yesterday. Again this is kind of silly but I really take this as a sign that Heavenly Father loves me and that even though the things that bother me could be a heck of a lot worse, he still understands that they bother me and helps me out when I think I can't take it anymore.


marlene said...

we love you too. Hang in there---he will get it eventually.

Maile said...

What is it with men thinking we have PMS just because we've had a hard day??

And I can totally relate to so much about this post - getting depressed when we stay home all day (even though I don't always make that connection at the time), getting so stressed about parenting issues that I can look back on later and see weren't really that big of a deal, and the joys of a kid going to the potty! It's kind of ironic that today was a big day for Asher, too. I know I've been lazy about potty training, but I finally decided I want to save that $60/month on diapers for bills. :) We're bribing him with a Thomas the Tank Engine that has a push button to make it go. If he pees anywhere except in the toilet, he loses Thomas for the day and gets him back the next day to try again. Needless to say, he lost Thomas really early today (the first day we tried it) but I'm hoping that he'll do as EZ did and get better! Good luck!