Thursday, May 3, 2012

EZ's First Basketball Season

Full disclosure: this picture was actually taken over a month after basketball ended. We got video of one of his games, but somehow we kind of flaked out on getting pictures. Also the season ended before my sister had her baby, which was the last post. Oops.

Anyway, after soccer EZ wanted to give basketball a try. John was particularly excited, because he is more into basketball and could help kind of coach EZ at home and give him some tips. Well, the season was a bit rocky. It started out looking good and then kind of just went up and down throughout the season. One game he would be really focused and the next he would be in la la land the whole time. Poor John, I think it drove him a bit crazy, but EZ still talks about how much he loves basketball and how we he wants to keep practicing to get better. Of course again, like in soccer, this was EZ's first season, but a lot of the other kids had clearly played before and that didn't make EZ look any better. And of course he was one of the biggest kids, which makes him look like he should be better. Someday his height will be an advantage, but right now I think it was working against him a bit. Luckily, his coach did a good job of making sure every kid got to have the ball and finally during the 7th game EZ scored a basket!! It took some time to get there, but it was so exciting when he finally did that I nearly fell out of the bleachers. EZ may not be the best, but he definitely enjoys basketball and I see more of it in his future. 

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