Friday, September 23, 2011

Pittsburgh Part 1: Hanging with the Fam

John is in the Young Men's President at church which means he works a lot with the youth and that he got to go to scout camp this year. Since he was going be M.I.A. for a week at the end of June, I decided that I would go visit my parents with the kids. This meant flying across the country by myself with all 3 kids. I was nervous to say the least. In fact I think I felt like I was going to throw up for the whole week before we left. It wasn't the easiest trip ever and I definitely got frustrated from time to time, but I never had to threaten my kids with their lives and there were no crazy stories to report so I would say it was a success. Albeit a success that I do not intend to repeat anytime soon. We stayed in Pittsburgh for 2 weeks and it was pretty awesome. When we first got their my dad was really excited because their was a zeppelin at the airport so of course we had to go check it out.

I think some of the significance of it being an actual zeppelin was lost on the kids, but they still thought it was really cool. They also loved getting to play with their cousins. My sister and her 5 girls live 10 minutes down the road and my kids were in heaven. One of their favorite things to do was to have sleep overs. They got really into it and gathered together every blanket, pillow and stuffed animal they could find.

We also got a visit from my Grandpa and my Uncle Tom and Aunt Nancy. I was so grateful that they made the trip down. We don't get to see them very often and my parents don't have a car that could have fit all of us for a weekend trip to Rochester so them coming was just awesome. My kids had a blast with them, but unfortunately they all wigged out when I said it was time to take a picture, but I promise they were happy before this pic. The best part was that the only way we could get King to calm down was to let him hold my brother-in-law's Dr. Pepper bottle. Like father like son.

Finally I had to include a picture of my mom and her twin Netta. Everyone says that Netta looks like me, which is true, but sometimes I think she looks even more like my mom.

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