Thursday, December 3, 2009

Its a ...


Today I had the big ultrasound and found out we are having a boy! John and Netta were there and despite the appointment being an hour late, John was able to stay for pretty much the whole thing and Netta behaved surprisingly well. Leading up to this people would ask what I thought I was having and honestly I didn't have any strong impressions. With EZ I had dreams that he was a boy and obviously he was and with Netta the pregnancy was so different that I was sure she was a girl. Now this third pregnancy has been so insanely different that I started to think that maybe the difference between the first two was just the fact that pregnancy gets harder with each go around and had nothing to do with me having a boy and then a girl. So going into the appointment, John was sure it was a boy for some unknown reason and I could only say that so far only girls names had been coming to me so maybe it was a girl. Well John wins and I was pretty surprised, but so excited.


Sarah said...

Yay, a boy! Congrats! I'll bet EZ is excited too!

rachel said...

Congrats! I am excited for you! Your kids are so cute! Are you coming into town over Christmas?

Aubreydoll said...

Yay, how exciting!!!! Congrats!

Dave, Katie, Kam, Alli said...

Wow, YAY! Congratulations!! We're so excited for you guys.