Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Craigslist You Are Driving Me Crazy

Well maybe my actual complaint isn't with craigslist, but with the people who use it. My experience has been hit or miss. Sometimes I hear back right away and make the purchase and other times my emails go unanswered while the ad stays up and even sometimes is relisted. For example, I have been trying to buy this snap-n-go stroller for Netta's car seat for a couple of weeks. There was this add selling it for $30 and I emailed the person about it and never got a response. Fine, maybe they had so many people respond that they just sold it and didn't have time to let me know. Well, I go looking again yesterday and the original add is gone, but then I see the same person has reposted the add for now $25. Ok so obviously it hasn't sold. So I think maybe my email got sent to this person's junk mail or something so I try again with my MSU email instead of gmail. Still no response. What the heck! Whoever you are check your junk mail and sell me the frickin stroller!!!!


Aubreydoll said...

I've had that happen to me with everything except one item! It's so frustrating!

Cynthia said...

maybe you should post on craigslist and say you are interested in buying the stroller. That way the lady can try and contact you.
Very frustrating.