Monday, April 21, 2014

November Randomness

Conrad has all of a sudden decided that he loves to sit on the table and we can't keep him off it. As you can see he likes to eat on it and watch tv. He still isn't walking, but it almost feels like he is to me because I am getting exhausted chasing him all the time and trying to stop him from climbing on things. It looks like he is going to officially be the latest walker in the family, which just kills me. He is so tiny and usually it is the tiny ones you see walking young, but not our lazy butt.

 The recently opened a new gas station by our house. I kept seeing tons of people in there and I couldn't figure out what the big deal was. We finally decided to check it out and it is awesome. It is like whole foods meets a gas station and they have amazing made to order food. On top of that they have the Maine Root bottling company sodas on tap, including my favorite Diet Mexican Cola. It is a little piece of heaven in there. Sarah and I took the kids and got this hilarious picture of Lincoln and Conrad. I know the photo quality isn't the best, but I just love seeing them cracking up.

A portion of November was spent neglecting my children so I could make them all hats. I don't know why, but I got on this hat kick and so here they are: Hello Kitty, Minion, and Pokemon Ball. I can't take credit for design, but I will take credit for making them and the cute kids too ;)

 We knew we wanted to use our passes to hit up SeaWorld one more time, but when I suggested one weekend in November, John wasn't so keen. Well then some friends called and said they were going so I won! King was really really excited to be there as you can see.

We went with the Coffeys, who we met through John's sister Nikki. Valerie is one of Nikki's old roommates and good friends. They moved to Austin a year or 2 ago and whenever Nikki and Darren come to visit us, we get together with them. Our kids have a lot of fun together. Here is a pic of Netta and Karston. They have only really hung out twice before, but kids are always instant best friends. 

One of these things is not like the other . . . . 

We had a lot of fun that day, but we did have one little hiccup when King peed his pants. I hadn't really planned for that so he ended up having to wear a pair of Conrad's pants as shorts. I was amazed and grateful they fit and didn't look too bad.

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