Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Beginning of March

Yeah not the most creative title to a post, but I am just trying to catch up on the blog as fast as I can. Beginning of March means Texas Day at preschool. It was a dream day for Netta with pony rides and getting to dress up like a cowgirl.

Netta and all her little girl friends love when I bring Conrad to school. I don't care what people say about forcing kids into gender roles. The fact of the matter is little girls love babies!

Conrad is cute as ever and loving taking baths. I think he is going to be a swimmer.

We got to celebrate Lincoln's first birthday. Being able to be together for events like this is one of the best parts of having family here.

Sarah made this awesome giraffe cake and used tootsie rolls for the spots. My head tells me tootsie rolls are gross, but my taste buds tell me otherwise!

 I love to dance and I used to dance every chance I got at BYU, but after marriage and moving away I haven't been able to dance anywhere near as much as I would like. I have a friend at Church who hosts dance parties at her house and after missing the first few for various reasons, I was finally able to go to one! To make it even better it was 80s themed and I have finally lost enough weight that I actually like most of the pictures people take of me. So here I am almost back to normal weight and dolled up in my best 80s attire.

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