To celebrate the 4th of July we headed up to Dallas to visit our friends Ruth and Gavin. I wish I had pictures from our first day there, because we went to this water park and Netta was a swimming/crawling fiend. She wasn't really swimming but she would crawl in the water shallow water and would just go deeper and deeper till she couldn't keep her hands on the ground. She didn't even care that her face was halfway in the water. She just closed her mouth and kept on going. So not like EZ at that age that is it almost unbelievable. Anyway, the 4th of July kicked off with a pancake breakfast at the church and then a bike parade for the kiddies. Here is EZ in his decked out tricycle.
Here is Netta looking very patriotic.
We tried to get a good picture of EZ and Caden together on their bikes, but alas this was the best we could do.
This next picture just kills me. Apparently EZ is VERY excited to be an American and VERY excited that he "won the big race," which actually means he got a participant ribbon like everyone else, but he was pretty sure that he had won.
We also had a little trouble getting a picture of Netta and Brynlee together. Notice Netta is three months older but she is the one sitting on the ground because she cant stand on her own. Oh my lazy babies.
After the breakfast we headed to a neighborhood celebration that had a petting zoo and a sprinkler park and all kinds of fun stuff. EZ was being himself at the sprinkler park and didn't really want to go near the water, so Ruth gave him some goggles in hopes that wearing them might make him feel a little braver and he loved them. He not only wore them at the sprinkler, but insisted on keeping them on while playing games . . .
Thanks to guys for an awesome weekend and go USA!
love the goggles, those things are hilarious. your pictures are really fun and i don't blame you at all for avoiding the fireworks and watching them on TV. i think i am getting old because i was totally annoyed at the people around me where we were -- most of them were really drunk obnoxious adults who would not shut up, others were families with irresponsible parents who allowed their children to light and HOLD the fireworks (roman candles and such). we were in florida where there aren't any restrictions on private fireworks so there were things flying everywhere. i don't know why i was so uptight about it all, but everyone really seemed to bug me that night. i couldn't help but think that i was turning into a miser. i was ready to go when the show ended, wondering if i really wanted to repeat this on a yearly basis.
I LOVE your post. EZ is sooo funny! I love all his expressions. I especially loved how he wore goggles the whole day and his picture when he "won" the race. What a cutie-pie! We'll have to have him over soon!
thanks for posting, and for the great commentary. I haven't laughed so hard in awhile. The picture of EZ and the big race, and also the goggles, and the comment about the pic of netta and b - LOVED it all!
Too funny! I love how much EZ took to the googles and love of the pic with Netta sitting while Brynlee stands.
Sounds like a fun fourth!
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