Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Photo Shoot

I have been meaning to get professional pictures of EZ and Netta since their birthdays in May and I finally got around to it today. You may have read my post around Christmas about the horrific experience I had at JCPenny, so this time I decided to go with Portrait Innovations. I have had a lot of friends go here and love it, so I thought it would be worth a shot. My friend Sarah warned that they do such a good job that you end up spending more money than you planned and she was right. I totally spent more than I planned and afterwards I was thinking maybe I should have spent less, but I honestly don't know how I could have. In fact as I was looking back through the cd I saw some pics I wished I had ordered that I didn't. So yeah they are great with kids and I am happy to say that I actually enjoyed going there. So here are some of the pics. I didn't order all the ones I posted and I think I left some out that I ordered, but anyway this gives you a good idea of how many cute pictures there are.


Valerie and Christopher said...

Those are really cute pictures! I love the one of EZ looking off to the side and the one of Netta in the chair. Way too adorable! Netta is seriously looking sooo grown up all of the sudden. What a cutie pie!

brook said...

J0- those look great! You're a proud momma.

candice said...

so cute.

Dave, Katie, Kam, Alli said...

Oh my gosh I LOVE that place!! I'm glad you had a great experience...compared to JCPenny's. Those pics turned out perfect too. Netta is so pretty and I can't believe how grown up EZ looks. Wow, great pics!!

Maile said...

Those are so cute! I always figure that I have 1000s of pictures of the kids so why should I spend a bunch of professional shots, but they really do capture kids at their best when done well. I actually haven't had professional pictures of my kids since Asher was 6 weeks old and we did the $7 Walmart pictures - you totally get what you pay for! It's definitely time for us to fork up some money to get really ones.

kentandnellie said...

Ahhh...those two are adorable!

Aubreydoll said...

EZ is starting to look more like John! I always thought he looked so much like you!