Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Keeping Busy in July

OK so John hacked into my account and posted that lovely picture of the crazy baby. We really did have the baby, but I have to crank this post out first to make sure it gets done and then the actually baby pics and details to follow. 

Once Ellie left and John and the kids got back from California, the month of July was pretty much spent running allover town for different summer camps and swim lessons. The first week back EZ had cooking camp. The YMCA has great summer camps and we told EZ he could pick anyone he wanted and cooking it was. He really loved it. They learned some recipes, but also learned about nutrition and table manners. The last day they kids made a special lunch for the parents. EZ was so excited and he kept telling me how the teacher made better food than me. Well that is not hard to do. Here he is showing off his special apron and his oh so beautiful place mat. 

I don't have any pictures of it but the next week was spent taking EZ to Spanish camp. His kindergarten teacher held a Spanish language arts camp at the home of one of the other students. EZ was really excited about it until he got there and he was the only boy. In the end he still had a good time, but he was a little disappointed that none of his favorite friends were there. We are really proud of how well EZ is doing in the program. His teacher was also offering sessions for the students the grade above them and she said that EZ is doing so well in his reading that he could attend with the older kids if he wanted. We ended up passing on it, because of the money and I was just sick of driving all over, but we were still excited to know he could hack it with the older kids. 

Of course we had to do swim lessons this year. EZ put up a bit of a fight saying he already knows how to swim, but yeah that's not true so swim lessons commenced. Unfortunately, things got off to a rocky start. EZ was placed in a level a little high for him, but I figured it was better they push him. Well, the first day he freaked out because they were in the big pool and the kids in his class were older and way bigger than him. So we spent 30 minutes on the side of the pool with me trying anything and everything to get him to change his mind and him screaming like a maniac and refusing to swim. Not my proudest moment as a parent. Finally, after the lessons were over the teacher informs me that there is an opening in the next level down and he could join that class. Uh that would have been nice to know 20 minutes earlier, but at least we worked something out and he was good to go for the rest of the time. He was so good in fact that his new teacher said that half way through he had already passed and was ready for the level that he chickened out of. Oh EZ. Anyway, here is Netta being a star fish.

And here is Netta looking like she is drowning. 

And now EZ doing back stroke looking like he is drowning. 

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