Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easter Fun

Well I am finally getting around to posting about Easter. Other stuff has happened since the last time I posted at the end of February, but let's be honest it is a miracle I am finally getting this post up. We did all the traditional Easter activities: Easter egg hunt, dying eggs and finding the Easter basket. We had an awesome Easter egg hunt just with our weekly playgroup. Of course I forgot the camera, but the kids had a blast and it was great because it was just a small group of us and we didn't have to fight huge crowds for a few eggs. The kids also really enjoyed dying eggs. Now that I think about it we didn't even get around to dying eggs last year, so this was the first year EZ was old enough to really get into it. He was very proud of his eggs.

We basically just let Netta put stickers on eggs for fear of her making a frickin huge mess if we let her near the dye. If you will notice in this picture she is wearing a tie. This is the tie EZ wore on his first Easter and somehow it made its way out of storage and for days Netta and EZ fought over who got to wear it.

EZ loved his eggs so much that he actually started carrying one around like a baby. He took the shell off and took a bite, but decided it was gross and would make a better baby. He wrapped it in a "blanket" and carried it around most of the day, continually pointing out how cute it was.

Finally, the kids got to do some baking with dad. EZ has become obsessed with helping out in the kitchen ever since he went to this little cooking class over spring break and of course Netta wants to do whatever EZ is doing. EZ is lucky I am pregnant and not dieting because this way I actually bake somewhat often.

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