Thursday, June 20, 2013

Spring Break

El Paso is a 9 hour drive away and I have been talking about driving there to visit Katie and her family for awhile now, but it just hasn't happened. Well this year for spring break it finally came together and Sarah and Lincoln joined us as well. We all piled in the van and the trip went amazingly well. The kids did a really good job of entertaining themselves and the only mishap was when I made my entire family pee on the side of the road only to find a rest stop literally around the corner. Now that I know where the rest stops are that shouldn't be an issue again. I am glad Sarah was there to help, because I have no idea how I would have wrangled all the kids at the rest stops by myself. Especially when Conrad was screaming to nurse at the same time as someone else was screaming to go to the bathroom. 

Noah seemed happy to have guests and he was especially excited to meet Conrad. They are going to be buddies for sure. 

We went to the park by Katie's house and it hit me just how big our family has gotten. We now take up all the swings and rule the playground. 

We also took the kids to the zoo, which of course is always a hit. 

King kept insisting on pushing Lincoln around. It was so cute and amazingly no one was injured. 

Katie also has a Wii, which will win EZ over every time. EZ got hooked on Mario Kart. It makes John so proud. 

We had a big surprise when my dad showed up for a day. Actually, Brad and I were the only 2 who knew that he was coming, but I had forgotten and I was honestly shocked when he showed up. I love the his work let's him travel and visit us even if it is only for a day. 

Katie has an awesome backyard with turf instead of grass. I would kill for that at our house. The kids actually liked being outside in bare feet!

We also played some soccer. It makes me so happy just watching all the family together having fun. We need more family close to us so we can do this more often.  

Our fire pit got ruined, but luckily Katie has one so we were able to make smores. We really need to get a new one. 

Right before we left we were able to snap this pic of the 3 boys together. Once again we are just missing Timmy. I really want to get them all together before Conrad turns 1, but I am not going to get my hopes up./

The drive home went pretty smoothly and involved no peeing on the side of the road. It was great to get to visit Katie and maybe this will become our regular spring break trip. 

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