Wednesday, July 4, 2012

EZ's Class Presentation and Award Ceremony

EZ's kindergarten class had an end of the year presentation and award ceremony. I can't say enough how much we have loved this dual language program. EZ loves learning Spanish and loves his classmates. We are really grateful that all of our children are guaranteed a spot in it. Netta is really jealous of the attention EZ gets when we talk about his Spanish so she has started speaking her own "Spanish." One time in the car she sang a whole song in "Spanish" and then ended it with "six, six, six." We thought we might have to call an exorcist. EZ's presentation was in a classroom that was not designed to hold all the parents that came. I got stuck on the side with a crappy view, but I did manage to get one picture of EZ showing me his puppet. Basically the kids sang a bunch of songs in Spanish. I really had very little idea what was going on. 

After the presentation we moved to the cafeteria for the awards ceremony. It was for all the kindergarten classes so we had to sit around for a while. They had said you could bring siblings, but I had opted to leave Netta and King with a babysitter and I am really glad I did. We had to sit on these horrible little kid cafeteria chairs that had just one leg. I was so sure that I was going to break one of them. They were not designed for adults, let alone pregnant ones. Because of EZ being in a Spanish immersion class the teacher gave out all the awards in Spanish so I had no idea what awards EZ had won until I could take them to John to read and translate. He got two awards "Numbers Whiz" and "Improved Reader" or something like that. I could kind of figure out the "Numbers Whiz" on my own. I think it's time that I start taking Spanish as well. Here is EZ showing off his awards with his teacher Ms. Santos. She must be an amazing lady, because EZ has never once complained about having to go to school!

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