Monday, March 14, 2011


I was bummed that we weren't able to travel this year for Thanksgiving or Christmas because A: we wouldn't get to see family and B: the kids wouldn't get to see any snow, something that Netta asks for regularly. Well amazingly on February 4th we actually got snow! The kids wanted to play in it the minute they got up, but it was too cold so I said that they had to wait till after I took King to his doctor's appointment at 10am. Some of my friends warned me to call the doctor's office to make sure they were still having appointments, which I thought was ridiculous because there was hardly any snow, but some offices did close. King still had his appointment, but there was hardly anyone there and the staff was slowly trickling in. People were so afraid to drive here, which again I thought was ridiculous, but I have to admit while I was driving to the appointment I got a little worried. There wasn't very much snow, but since it rarely snows here they do NOTHING to clean the roads and the drive turned out to be a bit treacherous. I just kept thinking how ironic it would be if I got in an accident on my way to my baby's well-baby check up. The sun came out while we were in the appointment and when we came out at 11 a lot of the snow had melted. I just thought "Crap! I have to hurry home so my kids can play in the snow before it is gone". It would have been really sad if I had made them wait and then it all melted. Luckily, when I got home there was still some in the back yard. Here are some pics of the kids playing. I realize they look like homeless people with their mish mash of winter clothes, but that is not something I felt like investing in this year for 20 minutes of winter weather.

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1 comment:

Sarah said...

Our experience with snow included the kids running around with socks on their hands because we don't even own mittens anymore. No need to feel bad about mismatched winter duds.